Living My Dream

A couple of years ago I wrote on this very blog (you can find it here) that I was pursuing my dreams again. I wrote about how I loved photography and not because it was popular. I wrote that my dream was to be a wedding photographer (gasp). There was so much excitement and yet still some fear of failing.

What I couldn’t see is that shortly, I’d find out I was pregnant. We’d move. We’d have financial struggles and photography would get pushed to the back burner again. I couldn’t see that 6 months after having my first baby, I would find out I was pregnant again (surprise!) and that we’d move again two months before he was born.




There is so much LIFE that has happened since I was here last. There are so many moments I wish I would have shared, but I was busy living them. Life has been crazy and stressful and wonderful at the same time!

You know what’s even cooler? I’m a wedding photographer. It’s my first wedding season ever (YAY) and I’m still learning a ton, but I’m shooting weddings! I’m living 24 year old me’s dream. A few years ago I never thought I’d be here. I never thought I’d actually have the confidence to shoot a wedding. I never thought I’d be good enough.

It’s so fun to look back on where we came from. I praise God for providing for me and my family. I praise Him for blessing me and helping me to make it to where I am today. I’m so thankful I wrote that blog post and that I can look back and think “wow, look how far we’ve come!”

As I sit here yelling at my oldest to leave his door open and constantly jumping up to move my very mobile 8 month old back to a place where he won’t get hurt, I have new dreams and new goals to accomplish. They seem a little far fetched right now honestly, but so did what I’m doing now two and a half years ago.

I want to work hard for my dreams and to not think they won’t happen. I want to remember that little kid me with my $60 Walmart camera dreamed of this. I want to do it for my husband and my kids.

Don’t give up. Work hard and ask God for help. Look to Him for strength and keep Him the priority. Don’t forget to trust Him and to hustle hard to achieve your goals. If God placed a desire in your heart, theres a purpose for it! You never know where God might take you. I’m cheering for you over here!!


Walk with Me

I believe that life is beautiful and that life is meant to be shared. Think about it. Your greatest triumph and your most wrenching heartache, did you tell someone about it? If you’re like me, you answered yes. That’s because we as people were built for relationships. Life’s greatest and worst moments were not meant to be experienced alone. We need people to walk beside us in this journey called life. That is exactly what I want to do here. I want you to walk with me and I will walk with you.


My name is Rachel. I am a wife, student, musician and aspiring photographer. I love adventuring to new places [especially anywhere tropical] and all things coffee related [caffiene is a vitamin in my book 😉]. It’s so nice to meet you!

I hope through sharing my story, I will inspire you to tell yours, in whatever way that may mean. Maybe you’ll say it with music, design or art. No matter what, we all have something to say, something to share, something to learn. We all have a purpose. What is yours?